TOWIE’s Chloe Simms helps Butlers with Bums seek out some hotties
Recently, Butlers with Bums visited the capital city in search of some hotties to add to our forever-growing team. We were joined by fabulous TOWIE star Chloe Simms and the nation’s biggest male strip show, The Adonis Cabaret, who were on the hunt to find the perfect man to star as Christian Grey in their forthcoming 50 Shades tour.
Before the judging commenced, Reveal Magazine had a few questions for stunning TOWIE star, Chloe Simms.
What are the key points you are looking for in the ADONIS Christian Grey?
Well, obviously, he needs to be a good dancer with a hot body. And a bit of a cheeky glint in his eye. Also, it’s really important that the new Mr. Grey is well-groomed and well-presented.
Do you think you’ll get flustered when judging all the hot dancers?
No, not at all… As long as they don’t come too near, I think I’ll be alright! I think it’s going to be a real giggle actually!
If you could pick any man in the world, who would be your ideal Christian Grey?
I know Calum Best and I can appreciate that he’s a beautiful man. But I’m not sure if he would be my Christian Grey. So… I’d have to choose Ashton Kutcher, as he’s amazing!
Are you looking forward to seeing the new 50 Shades Of Grey movie? Will you be planning a girls’ night at the cinema?
I love a girly night out, and the cinema is only place you can get Pic ‘n’ Mix these days! I’m sure it will be a laugh watching the steamy sex scenes with my mates. And there’s been so much hype, I need to go and see what all the fuss is about!
Butlers with Bums were overwhelmed with the turnout, and spotted guys who had it all – looks, body and charm!
For more information about our hunky butlers and other services, get in touch today.