Your Butlers Will...
Host Your Event
Serve Food & Drink
Mix Cocktails
Play Party Games
Pose For Photos

Cocktail Training Class

Prior to the Cocktail Class

  • All mixers and alcohol will be delivered directly to you prior to the booking via an online shop arranged by us.
  • If you receive any substitutes from the online shop that you don’t need you must decline them and hand them back to the driver.
  • If you require any additional ingredients please collect these and we will reimburse you.
  • We offer two clothing options for our customers:
    – Fully clothed mixologist (black trousers, black shoes and black or white shirt)
    – Buff Butler (collar, cuffs, bow tie and apron)
    Please check which clothing option the customer has requested and ensure you are wearing the correct attire.
  • You must arrive at least 20 minutes before your booking to set up and prepare. Please make sure that all equipment is clean, dry and ready to use before each event.


During the Cocktail Class

  • The idea of the class is to make it as interactive and fun as possible.
    You will provide a brief tutorial on how to create some delicious cocktails, including what equipment is needed and how to use it correctly to create the ultimate cocktail.
  • Arrange for the Hen to stand in front of the class and help you make the first cocktail, referring to them as your ‘glamorous assistant’.
  • You will then need to split the group into teams of 2 or 3 (depending on size), getting them to partake in a variety of drinking games and competing to see who can create the best cocktail.
  • Please ensure each group has their own shaker. For example, a group of 15 would be split into 5 groups of 3, therefore you would need 6 shakers in total (one for each group and one for yourself).
  • All customers must receive 3 cocktails each.
  • While preparing the next cocktail, ask the guests if they would like some time to finish their drink or go to the toilet. This chilled-out format is always received well but still enables you to control the flow of the lesson.
  • It’s a good idea to keep spare plastic cups for the guests to pour their cocktails into at the end of the session as you are clearing up. This ensures that you can clean the glasses before leaving.


After the Cocktail Class

  • Once the session has ended, please pack up ALL equipment and ensure that it is clean and ready for your next event.
  • At the end of the session, you must collect ALL alcohol. You are responsible for ensuring no equipment or alcohol is left behind.
  • Any breakages must be reported to Butlers with Bums straight after the event or this may be deducted from your wages.

Cocktail Class Training Video

How To Make Cocktails

Sex On The Beach



We're on Instagram @butlerswithbumsofficial